Stenton: Provenance Is Paramount: Stenton @ HSP (zoom)

fri28jan2:00 pmStenton: Provenance Is Paramount: Stenton @ HSP (zoom)2:00 pm

Event Details

Please join Stenton and Historical Society of Pennsylvania staff members for a virtual broadcast to view and consider documentsstenton and manuscripts from Logan Family collections at HSP. Laura Keim and Lee Arnold will share a close look at handwritten business ledgers and personal diaries, maps of early Pennsylvania, and intimately annotated almanacs. They will chat about how these holdings enliven visitors’ experience of Stenton, in Germantown and draw out the family histories and stories connected with the objects and the historic house.

Descendants of Colonial merchant and statesman James Logan (1674-1751), who built Stenton, gave many family papers they inherited to the collections at HSP “for posterity.” That phrase belongs to Deborah Norris Logan (1761-1839), granddaughter of Isaac Norris and wife to Dr. George Logan (1753-1821), who was the first female member of HSP and a respected and noted historian of early Philadelphia in her later years. Join us as part of that “posterity” to hear more about care, preservation, and digitization of these documents at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. If you are interested in registering, please email Rachel Corma HERE



January 28, 2022 2:00 pm



Stenton is one of the earliest, best-preserved, and most authentic historic houses in Philadelphia. Completed in 1730 as a country-seat, plantation house for James Logan - Secretary to William Penn; merchant, politician, justice, scientist, and scholar – Stenton was home to six generations of the Logan family, as well as a diverse community of servants and enslaved Africans, including Dinah, who lived and worked at Stenton for over 60 years. Furnished with 18th- and 19th-century Logan family objects, and remaining in little-altered condition, a visit to Stenton offers an unparalleled experience of early Pennsylvania.

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