Pioneering the memoir museum, The Colored Girls Museum celebrates narratives through personal objects, curated by Black women and girls, as tangible expressions of their unique stories and histories.

About The Colored Girls Museum

The Colored Girls Museum (TCGM) is a memoir museum founded by Vashti DuBois that honors the stories, experiences and history of ordinary Colored Girls. The first of its kind, the museum initiates the object—submitted by the Colored Girl herself—as a representative of an aspect of her story and personal history which she finds meaningful. These objects embody her experience and expression of being a Colored Girl. 

TCGM  distinguishes itself by exclusively collecting, preserving, honoring and decoding artifacts pertaining to the experience and herstory of Colored Girls. This museum is equal parts research facility, exhibition space, gathering place and think tank. TCGM was founded in 2015 and is located in the historic neighborhood of Germantown in Philadelphia, an area renowned for its compliment of historic buildings and homes.

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