Johnson House: Your City Our Orchestra

tue15marAll DayJohnson House: Your City Our Orchestra(All Day: Tuesday)

Event Details

Your City Our Orchestra
Johnson House was a pivotal station along the Underground Railroad in the 1800s. Learn about the brave men and women abolitionists who advocate for racial and social justice yesterday and today! In 2 episodes, Our City, Your Orchestra, a program of the Philadelphia Orchestra will feature Johnson House. OCYO is a series of FREE online concerts performed by small ensembles of the Orchestra and recorded without audiences at Black-owned businesses and iconic cultural locations throughout the region.  Repertoire is chosen specifically for, and in collaboration with, each location to speak to its unique mission, and includes interviews with leaders at each venue who also help to tell their stories. Using music, live performances featuring Harriet Tubman and William Still, and interviews our story will be told.  Your journey will include African drummers, the perilous journey of enslaved Africans to America, and interviews of a Johnson descendant of the original owners, State Representative Stephen Kinsey, and current-day social justice advocates.
Episode 1: Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022 Episode 2: Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Join us!  RSVP on the Philadelphia Orchestra website: 



March 15, 2022 All Day

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