Johnson House: Food for Freedom: Feeding Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

wed24feb6:30 pmJohnson House: Food for Freedom: Feeding Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad6:30 pm

Event Details

Virtual Event:  Food for Freedom:  Feeding Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad featuring Chef Gail Hinson While we may know of the heroic tales of Harriet Tubman’s efforts to escape enslavement, then return 13 times to the south to rescue enslaved Africans, her connection to food for survival and the role it played in the Underground Railroad has been overlooked. Food played a vital role in both Harriet Tubman’s life and in helping enslaved Africans journey through the Underground Railroad. Those escaping enslavement would have foraged, fished, hunted and snuck food from stores or kitchens along the UGRR route. Chef Gail Hinson will take us on a journey of what it was like to travel the UGRR, concentrating on the foodways along the route. She will be speaking to us from Johnson House, a “station” on the UGRR, located in the Germantown section of Philadelphia and vital to the abolitionist anti-slavery movement during the 1800s. Tubman was rumored to have met at the Johnson House where she may have guided them to Quaker Lucretia Mott’s nearby home in Cheltenham. Registration link: FREE to Register!



February 24, 2021 6:30 pm

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