Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust: Shaped Note Singers

sat12oct3:00 pmsat5:30 pmGermantown Mennonite Historic Trust: Shaped Note SingersGermantown Mennonite Historic Trust, 6133 Germantown Avenue3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Event Details

Shaped Note Singers  Shape-Note Singing, a musical practice and tradition of social singing from music books printed in shape notes. Shape notes are a variant system of Western musical notation whereby the note heads are printed in distinct shapes to indicate their scale degree and solmization syllable (fa, sol, la, etc.).    


October 12, 2024 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust

6133 Germantown Avenue

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Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust


Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust

Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust is the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that cares for the historic 1770 Germantown Mennonite Meetinghouse, a significant symbol of the first permanent Mennonite settlement in North America. We interpret and share the history, faith and witness of Mennonites in Germantown from 1683 to the present by preserving the historic Meetinghouse & cemetery; maintaining the nearby buildings and grounds; preparing and implementing tours, exhibits, curricula and public programs; and working with Mennonite and Anabaptist churches, conferences and organizations, the Germantown community, and other partners.

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