Illustrated Virtual Talk with Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion
Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion is thrilled to host Dr. Judith Giesberg with an illustrated talk via ZOOM about The Institute for Colored

Youth. Opened in 1852, the Institute offered educational opportunities for African American children in Philadelphia. Many graduates and teachers of the Institute became important 19th-century civil rights activists and leaders. Graduates include
Octavius Catto, Dr. Rebecca Cole, and Caroline LeCount. Want to learn more? Join us on Saturday, February 6, 2021, at 1:30 pm for a truly informative and interesting afternoon.
Dr. Giesberg is an expert on the history of women and gender during the U.S. Civil War. She has focused on African American communities during the war, in particular in the North. Giesberg oversees an ongoing project collecting and digitizing information wanted ads taken out by former slaves looking for loved ones lost in the domestic slave trade. She has recently appeared on CBS Evening News, The Washington Post, and NPR.
Saturday, February 6, 2021, at 1:00 pm
Cost: $6
Ticket holders will receive the ZOOM sign-in information on Friday, February 5, and Saturday, February 6.