EMM: Deep Rivers Virtual Tour

sun11oct1:30 pmsun3:00 pmEMM: Deep Rivers Virtual Tour1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Details

Deep Rivers How African Americans Waded through the Waters of Oppression to Achieve Greatness.

Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion is pleased to announce their new interpretive docent-led tour Deep Rivers is now live via ZOOM. Docents Tenea Wilborn and John Brown take you virtually through the museum highlighting the lives, stories, and achievements of 19th-century Black entrepreneurs, intellectuals, and artisans with soundscapes and images. Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion will mail recipe cards and identity cards to participants on the virtual tour. Cost: $5 BUY TICKETS ONLINE



October 11, 2020 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

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