Diane Monroe: Violin Woman, African Dreams (at Cliveden)

sun24nov3:00 pmDiane Monroe: Violin Woman, African Dreams (at Cliveden)Cliveden of the National Trust, 6401 Germantown Avenue3:00 pm

Event Details

Composer and violinist Diane Monroe draws on her decades-long, genre-defying career to craft a musical memoir that bridges jazz, classical and traditional African music, revealing an African-American violinist's trials and triumphs. This story of personal and collective histories will be told through a collage of original music, visual art and spoken word. The evening-length suite will be performed by an ensemble that includes violin, banjo, west African kora and Western String quartet. Performances will run 85 minutes with a 15-minute intermission. Violin Woman, African Dreams has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage. Tickets Available Here For more information, visit https://www.dianemonroemusic.com/



November 24, 2019 3:00 pm


Cliveden of the National Trust

6401 Germantown Avenue

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