Celebration of the Roses - Virtually at Wyck

23mayAll DayCelebration of the Roses - Virtually at Wyck(All Day: Saturday)

Event Details

Wyck’s circa-1820 Rose Garden is a living treasure featuring 50+ heritage roses.  Call them heritage, heirloom, antique or old, these types of roses have stronger fragrances and often brighter colors than modern roses, and they bloom only a short while. Join Wyck for a virtual tour of the rose garden with Lauren Kope, Wyck’s Horticulturalist. The tour will take place via social media, so follow Wyck on social media to join in! You can follow them on FacebookInstagram, and even YouTube! Wyck is looking forware to having you back on site to enjoy all Wyck has to offer, but in the mean time, look for great garden content on social media channels, including the histories behind some of Wyck’s most unique blooms and Q&A’s with their talented and knowledgeable Horticulturalists. You can also purchase cuttings of heirloom roses. For more info, please visit their website.



May 23, 2020 All Day


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